
Editor's letter (September 10 issue)

My Editor’s Letter about the importance of the work of club publicity officers (August 27) seems to have hit a nerve. Several of you got in touch to thank Cage & Aviary Birds for helping promote your club’s activities.
I wasn’t fishing for compliments when I wrote that piece, but merely wanted to put to bed the misguided belief that we played favourites and only looked after certain clubs because we liked them. The truth of the matter is that our publication is a two-way street: you tell us what’s going on and we’ll share your news with the rest of the birdkeeping community. How simple could it be?
Bearing that in mind, we were thrilled to hear that Wirral Bird Keepers smashed the record for building the world’s largest bird feeder, despite vandals’ attempts to spoil the day (see our news story, page 3). You can read more about the club’s track history in a piece by Brian Keenan (see page 20).
As I said in my original letter, proactive groups such as Wirral Bird Keepers can teach other clubs a lot about promoting the hobby and using the media to present birdkeeping in a positive light.
On a separate note, very many newly released bird books cross my desk on a regular basis, but few have made as much as an impression as the one that arrived from Australia recently. The Budgerigar by Dr Rob Marshall is an incredibly comprehensive book that covers just about everything you could possibly want to know about keeping, breeding and exhibiting these birds (see my review on page 18).
We’re delighted to give five lucky readers an opportunity to win a copy. If you wish to enter, make sure you fill out the coupon on page 5 and get it to us by the closing date.